i wanna curl my hair
my friend told me that theres like a gel that u put on after u take shower.. and blow dry hthem
idk wat dat is..?
wat is it and where can i get them?????
Curl Hair with Gel not w/ curling iron.?
Try asking your question in the Hair section of the Beauty %26amp; Style category...
This is the Curling section of the Winter Sports category...
Curl Hair with Gel not w/ curling iron.?
HAHA FYI this section is for the SPORT curling......
Curl Hair with Gel not w/ curling iron.?
any gel. its called scrunching ur hair.
but it only works if ur hair is naturally curly or wavy meaning that when you take a shower and let your hair naturally dry, it curls or becomes wavy
Curl Hair with Gel not w/ curling iron.?
This is th SPORT version of curling not the beuty section.
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