Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I saw a new hair gel removal method, its some sort of cream that disolves the hairs (UK ADVERT). I wonder if anyone has tried it.. if you have can you tell me how effective it is? does it work on hairs a certain length? or desolve all the hair present?

Thanks for reading, appreciate it :)

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

You can use Veet, Nair or Sally Hansen, as others suggested. There is another one called Strep. I think you should try and see what works best for you, I am satisfied with Veet.

How well they work depends: a. on your needs (what area of the body are we talking about? Have you shaved or waxed this area before? How sensitive is your skin?)

b. On how well you follow the instructions.

I use both wax and cream. Wax needs longer hair and might be painful in the first applications, but results last longer and it's better as it's not chemical too.

But hair removal cream works on shorter hairs too, which is a plus, and I sometimes are too lazy to wax.

If you have been shaving the area you will not see great results at first with either wax or cream, you have to abstain from shaving for about a month to see a difference.

Always test cream on one area of your skin to see if it creates irritation. If not, go ahead and use it. I have no problems.

Make sure you leave it the required time (varies with brand, check the instructions on the box). If you leave it less the hair wont go away. If you leave it longer, it will start burning. I always leave it for the maximum time, as my hairs are rather thick. Best to have a clock and check it.

Also make sure area is clean and dry before applying, and no water goes to the area while cream is on, e.g. if you are in the shower. (Although there is a new gel by Veet which I haven't tried which claims to stay on while you are showering. Check the packages if they say something like this. Regular cream is not water resistant)

When removing, use a movement similar to shaving against the grain. It's the best way to get the hairs best removed.

Don't use any lotion on the skin afterwards, not for a while.

Results: the hair does not grow back thinner and sparser, like with waxing. But not thicker either. For me it stays the same.

Duration depends on how thick your hairs are, for me 2 days to a week. But then you can do it again, but in order to wax hairs you have to wait for ages.

Smell: I guess I'm used to it. It's not that good, but I wouldn't go around hairy for this reason. It's not that bad, but you should not inhale too much of it as it's chemical. Open a window aferwards.

Hope this helps.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I didn't copy paste anything-'I take plagiarism very seriously'.Included too much info cos it wasnt clear from your question what u wanted to know.Thnx for picking my answer anyway! Report It

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

will possibly leave a should just use a razor... it does not take off all the hair...and if you shave over the areas where the hair wans't removed...your get the worst razor burn in the world!!! trust me...i did it when i was 15 years old!!!! horrible pain..

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

i haven't us that yet i only know about veet

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

Sally Hanson always has great hair remover

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

It probably only works on leg hair. I hate the girl on that advert!! So annoying!

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

No, i've never found a good hair removal cream. They really smell as well, its disgusting! I'd be able to handle it if they actually worked but they remove like two hairs and then leave a huge blotchy rash. if your going to do it use Nair.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I say dont use hair removal creams or gels either shave or wax. Itried these products before and it did not remove much hair. But this is only my opinion and it might work for other people but for me it was a waste of money.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

Tried it on a small bit of my leg, it worked okay for me and I had no side effects, I don't use it regularly as I only have soft hair, and the hair doesn't bother me.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

nair or veet work, but can feel like a burning sensation. because it is basically burning the hair off your skin and can sometimes leave a red mark.

if your a guy, you can just use a regular razor, or if you don't want stubble marks you could try tweezers but that would tak a long time.

the hair should be longer for nair or veet to work better

you can use veet or nair, just be careful, dont leave it on too long, and make sure you buy one that specifically says

"face" if your using it on your face, or what other body parts you are using it on

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

the best product i have ever used the wax strips r sooo good

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

Glue and a pair of hands are useful for getting hair out.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I have used Nair and also something that Avon makes and it did work but doesn't remove all the hair so you end up having to shave any way. Also I have sensitive skin so my skin did get irritated as well. I think maybe it works for some people cause it still gets sold at a lot of convinience stores and Avon still sells it so I think it's like any other beauty product. Depends on the person. I would try it and just see how it works for you.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

Honestly any hair removal cream will not be pleasent...and most of the time you'll never get good results.

Veet and Nair will never be good. They smell horrible and the outcome is never good.

I stick with the old razor and shaving cream no matter how many nicks I get.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I use Nair and Sally Hansen. Both have been effective for me. I think if you can at least see the hairs, it will dissolve them.

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I use it and don't have a problem with it but it's best to try it on a little patch first to make sure it's suited to your skin type as some people can be allergic to the ingredients....I always end up with silky smooth legs

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

it leaves a rash,me and my boy friend used it the other night,he was in pain it didn't remove all the hair,and it smelled bad,

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

nair is the best

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I use veet and its the best....Its very safe and doesn't cause bleeding..I have used other similar products and they always made my pores on my legs bleed

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

hmm dunno bout that, but i use the Sally Hansen hair removal lotion, Leaves the area u used it in soo smooth. and it smells good too ^_^ there are also different scents

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

yes it works well my hairs dont come back after a month! Also, the hairs didnt come back spiky and i didnt get a rash. use it its good

Hair removal gel? (VEET maybe?) - Users please answer..?

I think this is totally the best method to use as they don't grow back for weeks. I suggest you go for Nair though as it tends not to smell as nasty! Beware if you have sensitive skin though it can cause rashes!

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