Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the best hair gel for the "wet look"?

Everytime I use my wet gel, my drys fast into huge waves. What kind of gel should I use to get this hair?

I don't want the style, I just want that texture, but does my hair have to be super thin for that look?

What is the best hair gel for the "wet look"?

Stop in to a Sally's Beauty Supply store and get a bottle of Proclaim Hair Glosser... the stuff works awesome. Makes it look a little wet and shiny. Also whats nice is a little of it goes a long way so its very inexpensive!

What is the best hair gel for the "wet look"?


What is the best hair gel for the "wet look"?

sebastian has a product called wet i think and aother good one is wet trix by matrix

What is the best hair gel for the "wet look"?

My hair does the same thing. Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you need to buy a certain brand for that look. That is the best part, you don't! You can get any kind of gel to achieve this look all you have to do is put a handful of gel in your hand and then scrunch it into your hair. $30 hair gel or $2 hair gel they work the same!

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